Where we Begin ...

Back in 1977 I was a teenage electronics geek. I had my ham radio license, a bedroom
filled with electronics gear, an after school job at a two way radio company. I was on my
way to becoming a radio engineer. Then a friend said, “hey, you know over at Bob's
Comics they play this game called dragons or something. You'd like it.” He had seen an
article in the paper.

This is the article:

ISo, I went on a Saturday morning to have a look at a Dungeons and Dragons game,
and my world was never the same again. Now, 40 years later, I work in entertainment.
I make movies, television shows, web series, and I take photos at events, where there
are people who make movies, television shows and web series. And I still play
Dungeons and Dragons and all the – well, most of the – fantastic variants that have
sprung from it. 

There have been elements from other games and systems that I have really liked, and
taken for my own. This has created a mish mosh of rules, but in the table top gaming
world that I came from, it was perfectly normal to take rules from other games, or just
make up new ones to throw in. One look at the original D&D rules and the reason for
this becomes obvious. The original game was playable, but very bare bones. And in
places, there were only hints of what Gary Gygax and his crew had in mind. As an
example, there are monster encounter charts including tharks and other creatures from
the John Carter of Mars books. So players fleshed out their own campaigns with
creatures and rules that their players wanted. By the time I started playing, TSR had
come out with a few additional rule books, but that just emboldened players to add in
their own rules.

The campaign that I'm detailing in these posts is the campaign that I'm currently running.
The bare outline of the rules can be found elsewhere on the internet, but I'm creating this
for new players and to explain my thinking behind the rules choices I've made. Throughout,
I'm giving credit to the games whose rules I've borrowed from. These games are all worth
checking out, and I'll make sure to include links. 

So, let's get started, the next post outlines the game world and genre. 


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