The interphase platform operates when the payload being transferred between realities stands on the platform, and the transfer sequence is initiated from the controls. The process takes about 30 seconds to complete, and the energy fluctuation around the edge of the platform cause a great deal of condensation. The entire platform is wrapped in fog. Once the fog dissipates, the transfer is complete.

The first team to make the transition, found themselves on a planet that looked and felt very much like Earth. An identical interphase platform with identical control equipment, down to the concrete block house, and control labels.

The world that the interphase platform connects to is rather Earth-like. To be specific, like a park. Short green grass, occasional clumps of shady trees. A road. And a couple mysteries.

There is a wide road that runs 2 miles to a crossroad. There are houses that looks like 20th Century American Earth, but they are empty. The perpendicular road leads around the world to 5 other interface platforms. Each platform is different.

Other side roads lead to empty earth-like buildings. Some lead to Interphase platforms. At least one platform has been traversed by Project Infinity Explorers.

The entire world is 12 miles in diameter.

Here is a map:

Light green is short well trimmed grass. Dark green are shady trees. Blue are lakes. And the brown  are roads. H is for houses, B is for buildings.

Platform 1 leads back to project Infinity 

Platform 5 is a large carved stone structure suited for creatures over twice as large as humans. The gate controls are both archaic electronics and impossibly advanced science. The floor is large black and white marble tiles in a checkerboard pattern.Creatures called The Great Race of Yith have been seen coming through. They can swap minds with humans in order to explore.

Platform 6  looks like a brass frame work with panels of unbreakable tinted glass. It is very victorian, filled with brass fixtures, pipes, gauges, and large knife switches. The other side is the Kittinger Laboratory at the Transtechnic Institute in London.

The others have not yet been explored

While the world is very small, it still has 1G Earth gravity. There are day and night cycles. Two moons hang in the sky, a brown one and a green one. Gravity cuts off above 15,000 feet from the world's surface.


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